Safety, Security and Health in MedOne Data Center facilities

Mor Levy, Sales Manager, MedOne


September 1, 2024

There are several factors to consider when creating a data center safety and security plan.One of the most important factors is the risk of fire. Data centers contain a large amount of computers and electrical equipment, which can increase the risk of a fire. It is important to ensure that the data center has a proper fire suppression system and that all employees are trained in its use.

Another important factor is electrical hazards. Data centers contain a large amount of high voltage, which can be dangerous if not handled properly. It is important to ensure that everyone in the data center is aware of the dangers of electricity and how to stay safe in an electrical environment.Another important consideration is health risk. Data centers can be noisy, hot, and crowded places. It is important to ensure that the air conditions in the data center are adequate and that there is enough space for people to work safely. 

As a data center company, MedOne views security as a critical aspect of protecting sensitive information, ensuring business continuity, and maintaining the integrity of the IT infrastructure, as well as the health of our employees and customers within the facilities. Here are some key security parameters that we implement at MedOne Data Center facilities:

Physical Security: Strong physical security measures are in place to protect the data center. These include access control systems, biometric authentication, surveillance cameras, security guards, and visitor management protocols. Access is restricted to authorized personnel only, and we regularly review and update access privileges.

Environmental controls: We work to maintain appropriate environmental conditions in the data center to ensure the safety and performance of equipment. Controlling temperature, humidity, and fire detection systems to prevent equipment failure or damage. Implement smoke detectors, fire suppression systems, and emergency power solutions. In response to Covid-19, we have also implemented air, object, and surface purification technology in our facilities.

Redundancy and resilience: Facilities are supported by redundant infrastructure, including power, network, storage, and backup systems, to ensure high availability and minimize the risk of downtime. We have implemented disaster recovery and business continuity plans to restore data and operations in the event of a natural disaster or unexpected event. 

Network security and hygiene: We protect the data center network from unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats. Implement firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and encryption protocols. Regularly update security patches and firmware to reduce vulnerabilities. Conduct regular security audits and penetration tests to identify and remediate vulnerabilities.

Data encryption: We encrypt data at rest and in transit to protect sensitive information. We have implemented strong encryption algorithms and key management procedures to protect data from unauthorized access. Encryption protocols are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect global industry best practices.

Monitoring and logging: We have implemented comprehensive monitoring and logging systems to monitor and analyze network traffic, system performance, and security events. We monitor for unusual activity, intrusion attempts, and malware. We have established real-time alerting mechanisms for prompt response to potential security incidents.

Employee Awareness and Training: Our employees across the organization - both data center and headquarters staff - are frequently trained on security best practices, policies, and procedures. We conduct regular security awareness training and promote a strong security culture. We have also implemented access controls and monitoring systems to identify potential insider threats and unauthorized activity. MedOne employees know how to use equipment safely, recognize potential hazards and know what to do in the event of an emergency.

Compliance and Regulations: Information security, physical security and safety departments work together to ensure compliance with industry regulations and privacy laws. We meet the requirements of relevant standards, such as ISO 22301 and ISO 27001, and implement appropriate security controls to meet regulatory requirements. Compliance measures are regularly reviewed and documented to demonstrate compliance.

Supplier Management: We have established strong vendor management practices to ensure the security of outsourced services and equipment. We evaluate third-party security practices and certifications. We have implemented contractual obligations for security requirements and ongoing security assessments.

Incident Response and Recovery: We have developed an incident response program to handle security incidents quickly and efficiently. We have defined roles and responsibilities for everyone in the organization, established communication channels, and regularly test the program through simulations. 

We have implemented backup and recovery strategies to restore operations and data in the event of a security incident.

As a leader in the data center market in Israel for the past 23 years, MedOne is committed to the security of the facility, its customers' infrastructure, and its employees. By implementing these security measures, our facilities have significantly reduced the risk of physical and cyber threats, helping to ensure the continuity and integrity of our customers' IT operations, and protecting their data and valuable assets.